
Nimi by Andrew CS & Glia

Compact Disc released May 2022 - Out of Print
Digital files below

Glia (Virginia) and Andrew CS (Chicago) are two musicians who compose and create sound through potent clusterings; both melodically and rhythmically their individual works are built around a gathering of fragmentary grains of sound combined and creating unique and dynamic wholes. Musicians, like most artists, often leave their fingerprints behind. In electronic music, for a performer to become invisible, to leave no trace, leaves listeners to find sound purely, curiously, mercurially; Nimi is a showcase of electronic music where a world is built from kaleidoscopic sound surfaces seemingly devoid of human touch, but that human-shaped vacuum is an invitation for non-human dwelling. Textures and melodies jitter and smear into chemical blobs, microscopic details become portent. A fluttering sine wave cascades and crumbles, a stuttering drum patter dribbles in dry light. To be inhuman is, here, a grace, a lightness. Inhuman but not inhumane; rather the opposite. A rare gift to grant us meaty bags of bones non-corporeal listening for but a moment.

* note - “Each of our Tails” includes some samples by Dueling Ants

Andrew CS: synths, samples, digital tape
Glia: sampler, drums, arrangement

Omar Akrouche: mastering